Biyernes, Hulyo 13, 2012

Anna Kournikova Virus

Anna kournikova
Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova Virus, was created by "Jan de wit" 20 yrs. old that time, known as "Onthefly," a dutch programmer,  is a computer  virus, informally known as "Anna," is a viral worm that uses Visual Basic worm generator to infect Windows systems when a user is unaware opens an e-mail note with an attachment that appears to be a graphic image of Russian tennis star Anna Kournikovatennis beauty. It design to trick users by appearing Anna image to attracted them most especially those who are die-hard fan of Anna kournikuva. When the file is opened, a deception code extension enables the worm to copy itself to the Windows directory and then send the file as an attachment to all addresses listed in your Microsoft Outlook e-mail address books.

Jan De wit

On  February 11,2011. Apparently, the author created the virus in a matter of hours. "The young man had downloaded a program on Sunday, from the Internet and later the same day, around 3:00 p.m., set the virus loose in a newsgroup." De Wit turned himself in to authorities in the town of Sneek located in the northern province of Friesland in the Netherlands. "By the time he understood what the virus did, he had conferred with his parents and decided to turn himself in to the police," 

Alex Shipp, senior anti-virus technologist at MessageLabs, which scans customers email for malicious code, said the VBS/SST virus is "spreading twice as fast as the Love Bug". He said that only four hours after MessageLabs first detected the bug, it has so far intercepted 2,076 copies of VBS/SST originating from 278 different firms.The worm comes in an email with the subject line "Here you have, ;o)" and an attachment called AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs.

Anna kournikova Virus From Email

 this virus has the potential to create e-mail storms that can slow down general network performance and severely impact the performance of e-mail servers. When Jan De wit realizedthat this virus would only cause a trouble for his country "Netherlands"especially to his parents as stated above he surrender to the authorities for what he have done, before he traced by the FBI   an investigation led by FBI, David L. Smith. De Wit was tried in Leeuwarden and was charged with spreading data into a computer network with the intention of causing damage, a crime that carried a maximum sentence of four years in prison and a fine of 100,000 guilders (US$41,300) in their currency.


This virus used subject lines intended to attract the interest of people with friends or relatives in the military who wanted information about the war. As a result of creating the virus, at least 20 Taiwanese firms competed to hire him. Using a virus is a inexpensive task most especially spreading of political agenda and messages. they use to be to provides detailed guidance on a wide range of security issues by use of this anna kournikova virus.